Manufactured Homes
Monroe County Auditor's Office
Denise M. Stoneking, Auditor
101 North Main St., Room 22
Woodsfield, OH 43793
Phone: (740) 472-0873
Fax: (740) 472-2523
Important Information About Manufactured Homes
Registering a Manufactured Home
If you purchase a manufactured home, from either a dealer or an individual, you have thirty (30) days to register the home with the Auditor's Office. Failure to report a manufactured home will result in a $100 penalty and taxes being assessed for up to five (5) years in arrears.
Selling a Manufactured Home
If you sell a manufactured home, you must complete a transfer at the Auditor's Office before the buyer can have a new title made. You should contact the Auditor's Office for details. If the home is going to be moved, a relocation permit must be purchased. The cost is $5. Failure to obtain a relocation permit will result in a $100 penalty being assessed to both the owner of the home and the person or company who moved the home. When selling a manufactured home, remember that the process is not complete until the buyer has a new title made in his or her name. You will still be listed as the registered owner and will continue to be billed for taxes until the buyer has the new title made. You should never sign the title over to the buyer and assume that the buyer will have the new title made. When possible, the seller and buyer should go to the courthouse together to complete the sale. Failure by the new owner to transfer the title within thirty (30) days will result in a $100 penalty.
Homestead Reduction
If you are at least 65 years of age or permanently and totally disabled, and you own and occupy your manufactured home as your principal residence, you may qualify for the Homestead tax reduction. To qualify, you must have been living in the home on January 1st of the year for are applying for and turn 65 at any time during that year. You may file an application for Homestead between the First Monday in January and the First Monday in June. You may only receive the Homestead reduction at your principal place of residence, and cannot already be receiving it in any other county or state. If you also own the land that the manufactured home sits on, then your Homestead Reduction will be split between the two tax bills. However, you do not have to own the land to qualify for Homestead.
Destroyed or Damaged Manufactured Homes
You must report any damage or destruction to any manufactured home for which you are the registered owner by the end of the calendar year in which the damage occurred. This helps the Auditor's Office to ensure that you are not being billed for taxes for any manufactured home which has been destroyed.