What Services Are Available
Ohio Department of Education which includes classroom instruction, nursing services and
transportation. Assessment services and OT, PT, and speech therapies are performed
in conjunction with the local school district.
Children between the ages of 6 and 22, with developmental disabilities are
screened for the school program and recommendations for placement are made
by the local school district. Hot lunches are available to all students by the local school district.
How Are Students Referred for School-age Enrollment
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It is the Monroe County Board of DD’s desire that, when possible,
students remain in their home district with access to ‘typical’ peers.
If an IEP team determines that a child is not best served in their home district, the home district,
in compliance with all state and federal laws, may choose to contact the Monroe County Board of DD.
At that time, the IEP team (now including the Monroe County Board of DD)
would explore the appropriateness of a placement at the
Monroe Achievement Center and if it is truly the
Least Restrictive Environment for the student.

What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention is a statewide system that provides coordinated services to parents of
young children with disabilities.
Early Intervention (EI) is a Coordinated System
EI services support parents of infants and toddlers with disabilities. EI is grounded in the philosophy that
young children learn best from familiar people in familiar settings. That’s why your local EI team,
which includes a service coordinator and service providers,
who work with you in your home or other places you and your family
spend time to develop a coordinated plan.
EI is built on a Developmental Approach
EI builds upon and provides supports and resources to assist parents and caregivers to enhance
children’s learning and development through everyday routines. It is a collaborative,
home and community-based system where you and a
team work together to provide ongoing support to your child.
The Role Of The Family
Recognize the critical role you and other caregivers play in your child’s development.
- Share your interests, priorities, needs and questions with your primary service provider.
- Set goals based on how your child’s progress fits with what is important to your family.
- Learn from the team so you can work with your child during the family’s everyday routines between visits from the Developmental Specialist.
- Partner with parents and other caregivers to support children as they learn and grow.
- Focus on enhancing child participation in existing and desired family community, and early childhood experiences.
- Work together so that each team member’s expertise will be used to help parents meet the goals they have for their child’s development.
- Help families find answers to their tough questions.
Principles Of Early Intervention
- Infants and toddlers learn best through everyday experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts.
- All families, with the necessary supports and resources, can enhance their children’s learning and development.
- The primary role of a service provider in early intervention is to work with and support family members and caregivers in children’s lives.
- The early intervention process, from initial contacts through transition, must be dynamic and individualized to reflect the child’s family members’ preferences, learning styles and cultural beliefs.
- IFSP outcomes must be functional and based on children’s and families’ needs and family-identified priorities.
- The family’s priorities, needs and interests are addressed most appropriately by a primary provider who represents and receives team and community support.
- Interventions with young children and family members must be based on explicit principles, validated practices, best available research, and relevant laws and regulations.
To speak to a local EI representative, call 740-472-1712.
Click on the links below to learn more about Early Intervention and the supports available.
Ohio Early Intervention https://ohioearlyintervention.org
Developmental Information www.zerotothree.org
Autism Diagnostic Education Project (ADEP) www.ocali.org/project/adep
In Ohio, the Early Intervention Program fulfills the federal
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
Part C (Early Intervention program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities).
MACO Sheltered Workshop and Person Centered Services, Inc./Active Day
47013 S.R. 26 P.O. Box 564
Woodsfield, Ohio 43793
Phone (740) 472-5445
Fax (740) 472-0445
- Monroe CBDD contracts with MACO Workshop and Adult Day Providers to provide
work and person-centered opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities.
This includes sheltered employment, community employment,
vocational training, habilitation, recreation, leisure,
nursing and transportation services.
Opportunities and services are tailored to meet the unique needs and
preferences of individuals so they may work and function effectively
in their homes and communities.
Ohio Employment First
In conjunction with the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and Ohio Employment First Initiative,
Monroe CBDD is committed to ensuring every person with a disability of working age
has an opportunity to seek community employment.
Community employment brings many benefits including
the opportunity to build self-esteem, make friends, and improve quality of life.
A person-centered planning process supports each person accessing services
to identify their desired employment goal and their place on the path to community employment.
Be treated nicely at all times and as a person.
Have a clean safe place to live in and a place to be alone.
Have food that is good for you.
Be able to go, if you want, to any church, temple or mosque.
Be able to go to a doctor or dentist when you are sick.
Be able to have people help you with the way you walk, talk, do things with your hands, act or feel, if you need it.
Be able to have people help and teach you, if you want.
Be able to have time and a place to go to be by yourself.
Be able to call, write letters or talk to anyone you want about anything you want.
Be able to have your own things and be able to use them.
Be able to have men and women as friends.
Be able to join in activities and do things that will help you grow to be the best person you can be.
Be able to work and make money.
Be treated like everyone else.
Not be hit, yelled at, cursed at, or called names that hurt you.
Be able to learn new things, make friends, have activities to do, and go out in your community.
Be able to tell people what you want and be part of making plans or decisions about your life.
Be able to ask someone you want to help you, let others know how you feel or what you want.
Be able to use your money to pay for things you need and want with help, if you need it.
Be able to say yes or no before people talk about what you do at work or home or look at your file.
Be able to complain or ask for changes if you don’t like something without being afraid of getting in trouble.
Not be given medicine that you don’t need or held down if you are not hurting yourself or others.
To vote and learn about laws and your community.
To say yes or no to being part of a study or experiment.