Public Transportation (MCPT)
Monroe County Public Transportation
47084 Black Walnut Parkway #101
Woodsfield, Ohio 43793
Phone - (740) 472-2505
Fax (740) 472-2531
Denise Potts, Director:
Mission Statement
Our mission is to serve the people of Monroe County by planning, providing and maintaining a safe, reliable and accessible transportation system.
Our passengers include the general public, local business and human services agencies. We will be responsive to our passengers needs.
We will continue to develop new alternatives in providing cordinated transportation, working close with ODOT and other agencies, both for profit and non-profit.
We are dedicated to providing positive leadership in the community as well as within Monroe County Transportation. We strive to create a work enviroment that fosters personal, professional and organizational growth.
Goals and Objectives
To develop and operate a public transportation system to benefit Monroe County residents.
To efficiently and economically maximize benefits to all seeking trasportation.
To apply for operating and capital grant assistance.
To provide a on time, courteous, comfortable and safe transit service to the public.
To coordinate with other transportation providers such as MRDD, Care Centers, Senior Services, Family Services, Title III, Juvenile Court and Veterans Services and to maximize the efficient use of transportation funds from all.
To monitor the operation of the public transportation system and in cencert with the service provider to ensure the quality of transportation service to the public.